Today was a v. fine day. I spent some more time poking around trying to find PANEL ONE for less than $50, to no avail, and after a while I thought, “You know, I bet the Nat Gertler who wrote this is the Nat Gertler who wrote some of ElfQuest a while back and whom I met several years ago at a signing up here in Anchorage.” Okay, I didn’t think it that clearly, but for the benefit of you, my gentle reader, I’m spelling it out. So I went…
Category: Uncategorized
Minas Morgul
So I was talking back and forth with Carl, and I said I’d thought of biking to Mordor, but I didn’t know how far it was and I’d been too lazy to look it up, so he went and got this information from a friend of his: “From Minas Morgul to Hobbiton is 327 leagues (981 miles) as the crow flies. The actual distance on the ground between the two would be somewhat longer, and in the case of the Black Riders extended by the fact of various detours and…
wisdom, valor
Wisdom being the better part of valor, or something, I started taking Allegra again today. I’ve been getting progressively more nose-runny the last few days, although not so much that I can’t breathe or that I’m wheezing, but I’m not actually sure there’s any brilliance in waiting til that point before starting to take the allergy medicines, so now I’m all drugged up. Must remember to drink a lot of water, ’cause Allegra dehydrates me.
stuff, stuff and more stuff
Marvel Comics is starting their Epic line again, as an independent work-for-hire. I’m thinkin’ of submitting stuff to it, when they open for submissions. As a writer, since I’m not anywhere near cool enough to submit as an artist. So I went to see if I could buy Panel One, which is a book on writing comic book scripts, and instead I accidentally bought Drawing Cutting Edge Comics, which of course makes me fully aware of how entirely inadequate an artist I am. But maybe it’ll help me when I…
marvel, walking, stuff
Marvel Comics is starting their Epic line again, as an independent work-for-hire. I’m thinkin’ of submitting stuff to it, when they open for submissions. As a writer, since I’m not anywhere near cool enough to submit as an artist. So I went to see if I could buy Panel One, which is a book on writing comic book scripts, and instead I accidentally bought Drawing Cutting Edge Comics, which of course makes me fully aware of how entirely inadequate an artist I am. But maybe it’ll help me when I…