early day stuff

Didn’t get up and write this morning. Lame of me, and I’ve got an RWA meeting tonight, so I’m going to have to leave work promptly to get my words in today. Ted and I went around and looked at flooring yesterday and discussed the possibility of buying a really good vacuum cleaner instead of hardwood floors. :) We also went to Alanna’s play, which was a very good performance of a not very good script. We saw the Lyses there at intermission. They said, “We knew *you* were here,…

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But we’re EVIL!

Chargen for our new game went slowly last night, so I did a couple of head sketches of my new character, RaShan. I think she looks like Rynnaen’s psycho, evil twin. We’re playing a Bloodlines game and I think it’ll be fun. I’m playing a half-elf rogue with demon bloodlines; Shaun’s a (6’5″) dwarven monk with Stormgiant bloodlines, and Coby’s playing a red dragon bloodlined wizard. He likes fire. o.o Shaun and I are playing lawful-evil characters and Coby’s playing a chaotic-neutral. We killed a couple of teenagers having sex…

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Well, *that* was very productive. I sat down and pounded out a rough draft on a short story today, 4850 words, and I feel like I should go write 1100 words on TQB, but jeez. o.o Um. Let’s see. Oh. Ted made REALLY GOOD crepes for breakfast this morning. He’d never made crepes before. They were REALLY GOOD. REALLY GOOD. We put Mom’s homemade applesauce which was also REALLY GOOD and my strawberry syrup into them, and WOW. REALLY GOOD. YUM. O.O And now I wanna get out of the…

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good webhosty people

Ok, that was a much less traumatic experience than I was expecting it to be. I noticed a month or so ago that I couldn’t tell if my webhosting people were charging me, and I kept forgetting to contact them about it. They noticed it yesterday, and contacted me. It turns out that they haven’t, in fact, charged me since the end of October, God alone knows why, and they’re doing stuff with their billing system now and so they’d noticed it. Anyway, so I went ‘gah’ and wrote back…

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somewhat odd, but okay

Somewhat odd, but okay. Protoeditor turned TQB (current WiP) down, because “I’m looking for high fantasy, rather than sf”, which okay, but the second line of the synopsis mentions aliens, so why’d she request the first 3 chapters? o.O Onward!