stuck, unstuck

I had this bit in this chapter that wasn’t going well, and I got through it and whilst getting through it had a Small Revelation about how it ended and stuff and now, darnit, I have to do daytime hours work instead of writing work. Fnrt! Dentist appointment this afternoon. ytd wordcount: 47,600

my agent is so cool. :)

My agent is so cool. *laugh* Besides being an Agent Extraordinaire, she’s also a cook. A couple of days ago, I printed out one of her recipes from her food blog. I have the recipe sitting on my desk. Ted just wandered by and read the site name — The Spice Must Flow — out loud. Not until he read it out loud did I realize it was a phrase to be recognized, and recognize it. It actually made me laugh out loud. I have *such* a cool agent. *laugh*!…

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other people, on writing

There’ve been a lot of good posts the last couple weeks about writing. I’ve been meaning to link to some of them, so now I am. Neil Gaiman on, well, on writing. Teresa Nielsen Hayden on why rejection isn’t personal. Peg Kerr on just how wretched copy editing really is. That’s all, for right now.


1150 words this morning, not quite as productive as I’d hoped but better than a kick in the teeth. I want to get through this bit I’m working on, so I’ll probably write more on TB tonight. I may need to print the next hundred pages out so I can read them. Er. Not, like, the next 100 that I haven’t written yet, although *damn* that’d be useful. Rather, the 100 pages that I’ve written since I printed out the first 200 pages. The right first 200 pages, as opposed…

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thud, kinda

Thud, kinda. Got 850 words written on TQB, feeling sort of uninspired by them, but my brain wasn’t really in a writing mood. They’re good enough for the moment and they mean ch. 4 is underway, which is basically what I was after. It also means I broke 45K, which is something else I wanted to do. I tell ya, this getting up at 6 thing is killing me. Well, not killing me, but certainly making me want to go to bed at 10pm. OTOH, the 2K a day thing…

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