Go me! Prodded by Janne and Emily, I hauled myself off to write some more, and wrote another chapter! 3050 words, for a total of 3630 today (so far. maybe I’ll write more later. maybe not.), and I broke 75K on the book and 50K for the year. Yay! ytd wordcount: 51,250
I got up at more or less the crack of dawn (bear in mind the sun is rising around 9:05am right now) (actually, by that figuring, I got up a good solid half hour before the crack of dawn, although it was distinctly light out when I got up) and did the usual morning things; showered, put the dog out, dressed, did laundry, and wrote, although not necessarily in that order. Finished my chapter and now I’m procrastinating on going forward. I should write a whole ‘nother chapter today, because…
*howls of laughter*
“But what if this virus can be transferred across corporations? This is ABC’s horror scenario. The network has instituted its own five-second tape delay for the telecast of the revered Academy Awards Feb.29 lest Meryl Streep attempt to pull a Jackson.” *howls of laughter* More here, courtesy of the Toronto Star. *howls*
this one’s long. fred’s fault.
From Fred.
more interviewing!
More interviewing! Today may have a lot of long posts. :) These questions from Cam.