more interview questions :)

hath interviewed me, 1. What the heck is this obsession with Rogue? Good grief. Good question. Um. It’s the hair, I think. Or I think that’s where it started. I just really, really liked Rogue’s hair. And plus she’s got this whole *host* of incredibly cool powers, even if her own power is awful because she can’t control it. She can *fly*. I’d do just about anything to be able to fly. 2. Why a livejournal AND the Kit blog AND the C. E. Murphy blog AND…? Oh, gawd. The…

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interview questions

Interview questions from 1) Outside of Alaska, where do you think you would want to settle down and live? Ireland, either in the west where my family is, or in the southwest around Kilkelly, which is just a gorgeous area. Vancouver might be cool, too, and if I were rich enough I’d have a place in San Francisco. 2) What’s the best thing someone has said about your writing? There’s a sculpture in central Washington, Wild Horse Monument, which is simply breathtaking. It makes me want to cry. I told…

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Quizzes! ‘ fault! :) ENFP – “Journalist”. Uncanny sense of the motivations of others. Life is an exciting drama. 8.1% of total population. Take Free Myers-Briggs Personality Test Well, I’m certainly an ENFP. I suppose I *could* be a journalist. If I wanted to be. But I don’t. :) Oop, breakfast!


*OH!* *I* remember what it was that I was going to post about earlier! They’re opening a Hot Licks next to Title Wave! Mary Anne! Laura! I summon you unto Anchorage, for the demolition of a Prudhoe! So mote it be!

meme from patch

Meme stolen from Patch, whose username I can’t spell. :) (, that’s it.) What is the meaning of your LJ user name? A long time ago I played a character named Kit on a MUSH. ‘s character called her Miz Kit. I liked it, and have been using mizkit online ever since. (Wow, ten years this year, Fred!) What 3 LJ friends have you known longest? Um. , who is my cousin Kerry, so I’ve known her since, er, she was born. If I’d gotten around to updating my LJ…

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