Evidently I need to tell myself every evening that ‘tomorrow I will listen to my body’, because my alarm went off at 5:30, I woke right up, decided to stay in bed another 10 minutes, was confused and tired at 6 when Ted got up, and proceeded to have another 60 minutes of weird but horrible dreams. My first dream was that I was on a very huge rock that doesn’t exist out at the edge of the inlet. It was slanted at about a 40 degree angle and I…
Walking 5 miles around an ice rink is 1. extremely boring, 2. extremely stinky (there were hockey players changing clothes) and 3. extremely obnoxious (hockey players slamming pucks against the plexiglass *and* 12 year old boys who were up next for the ice). I also did 1 fast circuit on the weights at 1xMoreWeightThanNormal, but I’m too brainless to write down what exactly I did. Upper body, anyway. I slew a bug at work today that’s been haunting me for weeks. *waves a little flag* miles to Rivendell: 340 nnwm…
I actually got up at 5:30 this morning. Well, 5:40. And it was much less difficult than getting up at 7:30 is. Go me. And, having gotten up that early and needing something to do, I wrote 1030 words. Go me, twice. :) There’s about two inches of snow on the ground, and it’s still snowing, albeit lightly. Chanti really loves the snow, and dances around like an absolute idiot when put outside. :) My enthusiasm for /walking/ in the snow is less than I hoped, though. I’m going to…
an experiment
Having gotten up later than necessary, eaten more cake than I really wanted, and walked less than I wanted (although I blame that on the early-setting sun and the icy paths), I think I will try an experiment tomorrow. Tomorrow, I shall attempt to listen to my body instead of letting my brain overrule it. Stupid brain.
hee hee
I was practically sure I’d come up this. All ‘s fault. Er. That I took the quiz, not the results. The results are my own fault. :) Robert Heinlein wrote you – your stranger in astrange land, you. Which Author’s Fiction are You? brought to you by Quizilla