Hopefully this design is going to work for people. I’m already discovering Interesting Nav Bar Issues; apparently the nav code doesn’t want to drop down over the MT code, which is v. annoying. I’ll have to see if I can force it to. Ah. Angie says it doesn’t work for Mozilla. Well, that’s not a good start. I haven’t even made this posting yet. :P So the drawing over there is sort of an idealized me. I’m going to make it into a better drawing over the next few months,…
barely 8
Here it is, barely 8am, and I’ve been up for hours already. I didn’t swim, though, ’cause I’ve got a canker sore and I just couldn’t bring myself to stick my head in chlorine. Ow. Instead, I wrote. Finished up the Jubilee beatsheets, and I think I actually managed to pull a story out of it, despite the fact that when I started at 6am I had no story and a lot of flailing going on. For 800 words worth of writing, getting a story out of it all seems…
I have never actually seen the word ‘dastardly’ used in any sort of serious context until now. A couple three weeks ago I wrote a letter to Senator Ted Stevens (where ‘wrote’ is equal to ‘clicked the button provided for me by the ACLU’, but anyway) encouraging him to help stomp the Patriot Act into the dust. I just got a letter back. The letter says: After the dastardly attacks of September 11, 2001…. I’ve never seen anybody use that word seriously before! That’s so cool! And so silly! DASTARDLY!…
rivendell, writing
miles to Rivendell: 221 ytd words written: 208,200
hey, I was right
Hey, I was right. There /was/ a rejection letter in yesterday’s mail (from St. Martin’s, on Heart of Stone). It’s just that the mail got there very late, so I didn’t find it until this morning when I went out to put some bills in the mail. Total form letter. Dear Sir/Madam. You know, if wanna-be authors sent Dear Sir/Madam letters to publishing houses, they’d get docked points for it. OTOH, wanna-be authors don’t have to deal with five thousand unsolicited submissions a year. Onward!