busy day

Busy day today. Didn’t get up til late, and Ted made pancakes for breakfast, and then there was _all_ the housecleaning. Enough to make me very grumpy. We unloaded the Christmas tree and the boys took it down and I vacuumed and Shaun cleaned the kitchen about three times and Ted and I took turns cleaning off the kitchen counter which had been eaten up by Junk, and then he finished that, and I did 3453458907 loads of laundry and straightened up the *frelling* mess on the entertainment center and…

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be it resolved

Be it resolved: 1. to write 400K words of fiction 2. to bike 2000 miles 3. to swim 120 miles 4. to draw 100 drawings 5. to read 104 books 6. to lose 30 pounds Here is a little graphic thingy I made to try to keep track of percentages of goals attained. I’ll color the bars green as I move towards my goals, and I’ll update it once a week. People should remind me! :) HAPPY NEW YEAR, EVERYBODY!!!

goddamned mfing assholes

Some son of a bitch hacked my site this evening. Joy, oh, joy. Bastard.

conspired against!

*helpless laughter* Conspired against! I have received a package in the mail! It contains five Terry Pratchett books! It’s a New Year’s gift from Trip, which Marith conspired with him about, which is how it resulted in having Pratchett books instead of something else. *laugh* Wonderful! Thank you so much! I will read them soon! :) And Ted also got a gift, although it was less conspiratorial, especially since Ted was reading over my shoulder when Trip was asking me about it. *laugh* He got the D20 Mutants & Masterminds…

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happy damned new year!

Happy damned New Year! Or happy new redesign, anyway. :) Some notes about the redesign: if you’re using anything lower in version number than 7 in Netscape, you’ll be seeing the barebones version of this site. Comments are 100% inline for the barebones version. At this moment in time, neither the archives nor many of the non-MT pages are working in NS4. They will be; I’m working on a php-based barebones template. It may take another day or two. If you’ve got IE, Opera or another Gecko browser (Mozilla, Netscape…

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