Well, I had grand plans to leap out of bed this morning, but that was before Ted’s alarm inexplicably went off at midnight. o.O I was *just* about asleep and I was very very confused by it! Veeeery strange. :) I *must* change the kitty litter this morning. Do not let me forget. Stinky, blah.
yay biking!
I biked! 16 miles in about 80 minutes, go me. I forgot to say I biked on Monday, too. :) Maybe gaming starting Friday! Yay!
Look! A posting! This is sort of a double-duty with my real blog, but I have the vague idea that I, like, y’know. Know people who don’t read my blog who might read LJ friends-pages or sommat. And I know at least some of those people are involved in their own SeKrIt WeIghT LoSs PLaNs. So Sarah and I started a forum for people who are trying to lose weight, the purpose of which is to be generally encouraging and have a sense of humour about it all: it’s called…
cheerful me!
Cheerful me! People are using LYFA, so I’m all chipper and cheerful even if I /didn’t/ go to the gym this morning. I’ll bike, or maybe even gym, tonight, and if I go to bed at 11 tonight I’m getting up at 5 tomorrow, because my body works better on that cycle than it does on a 7 hour sleep cycle (which is what happened this morning: alarm went off unexpectedly (to me, anyway) at 5, I wasn’t prepared to get up, at 6, an hour later, I was deep…
I did a very stupid, but funny, thing at dinner tonight. I picked up a salt shaker and salt wouldn’t shake out of it, so I took the lid off and discovered that there was a bunch of wet salt in the top. So I dumped it out and got another salt shaker and took the top off to see if there was any wet salt in the top of *it*. There wasn’t. So I salted my green beans. Without putting the top back on. I did not eat the…