Happy New Year! Man, I woke up late this morning to the heavenly smells of turkey roasting and stuffing cooking and *wow* does it smell good in this here house. 2002, for heaven’s sake. How did that happen? (I know, I know, the regular progression of numbers and seasons one after the other, but you know that’s not what I mean.) I need to put a new calendar up. I need to eat breakfast, too. Hm. Maybe I’ll go do that. Happy New Year!
I became a proselytizer for Strangers in Paradise on Saturday and dedicated the first GN that Trip, Chrisber and Marith brought me in 99 to the cause and gave it to Mary Anne to get her hooked too. So what’d you think, Mary Anne? :)
I have read 159 books this year, an average of 3 a week, which is a whole book more a week than my stated goal. Pretty cool. :)
return to christmas
Did I mention we have a 19 pound turkey? Shaun’s work gave him a turkey, and he thought it was a 12 pound turkey, and we never looked, and yesterday we took it out to thaw to cook it tomorrow, and it was a NINETEEN pound turkey. That is a LOT of turkey. Ahem. That was apropos of nothing. Um. I seem to not be typing in this window, so I think I’ll post this and worry about writing more later. :) Michael Greyeyes is the guy I’d like to…
I have just roasted a couple of marshmallows over a candle flame. This is actually more difficult than it looks. Furthermore, *gaaaaack*, talk about SWEET. I got four and toasted two and that was MORE than enough. *staggers around in sugar shock*