more webcomic ruminations

I have finished the flat colors for ALL FOUR panels of my little webcomic page. It’s been very slow going, all learning curve, because, well, I’ve never done it before. If I do more than this, of course, it’ll go faster, because I won’t be spending–for example–4 hours trying to learn to do…whatever it was I spent 4 hours trying to learn last week…or 90 minutes last night and another hour tonight trying, until I went back and tried the thing I’d tried in the first place yesterday and it…

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web comic ruminations

I’ve done bluelines for a 4 panel comic that could be the web comic I’ve been mumbling about for what, a decade now? I sort of think I should do about fifty more before I even try finishing the first one because otherwise I imagine odds are good I’ll only ever do one. (6 hours later) I could…probably do an ‘inks’ version of one of these in a day, if I don’t get any more complicated than I have here. Even rudimentary colors & shading would probably take at least…

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clip studio pro

It’s 10pm and I forgot to have dinner because I got busy mucking with Clip Studio Pro. Last week I did a little sketch for a cosplay dress, a quantum realm dress, and it made me kinda wanna do more drawing, I guess, so I finally got out the stylus for my Surface Pro and doodled a body shape with the inbuilt art program, something or other, uh, Sketchbook, and then I was clever and put a new layer over it to do the cleaner lines & it like snapped…

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separate hobbies

I saw a thing yesterday that said “Buying fabric and sewing fabric are TWO SEPARATE HOBBIES.” I actually feel that I understand so much more about the world now. I’m now up to 6 artist’s figurines (I need to write more reviews) and I was unable (or unwilling) to resist a set of 14 archival color pens, plus all the stuff I already own, but do I actually draw? No, hardly ever. (That said, I’ve done more this year than in many years.) Anyway, point is I’m back to that…

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artist’s figurines

So I had a great and terrible desire for these artist’s models and although I don’t really draw enough to justify them, it so happened that my great and terrible desire aligned with the Irish date for Mother’s Day, so Ted got ’em for me as a mother’s day gift. They arrived yesterday (just in time for American Mother’s Day!) and I just spent an hour or more fiddling with them. Conceptually they’re pretty damn terrific. The articulation is as good as it looks. They have nifty little boxes for…

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