Happy BIRTHDAY to US! Happy BIRTHDAY to US! Happy BIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIRTHDAY dear Esmerel, Silkblade, Fahri, Novella, Morgan Freeman, Marilyn Monroe, Superman and MEEEEEEEEEE! Happy BIRTHDAY TO US! For my birthday, I offer you the opportunity to go buy THE OLD RACES: ORIGINS short story collection! (I know, I’m so thoughtful. :)) at Amazon at Barnes & Noble At Smashwords at cemurphy.net (PDF only) Why PDF only at cemurphy.net, you ask? After all, don’t I get basically ALL the money if you buy it direct? Well, yes, I do. But if you…
Tag: release day
awesome & yet self-aggrandizing
Today’s awesome things are all about me (I swear this wasn’t the plan when I started this on Sunday). :) First, today is the official release day for WALKING DEAD, book four of the Walker Papers! As far as I can tell, everybody I know bought it two weeks ago, but still, today is the official release day! Seattle’s a great place to live…if it weren’t for the undead. For once, Joanne Walker’s not out to save the world. She’s come to terms with the host of shamanic powers she’s…
release day!
THE QUEEN’S BASTARD is out today. Fine bookstores everywhere should be selling it. I talk quite a bit about the nerve-wracking aspect of this book over at Magical Words today, and Joshua Palmatier invited me to participate in his author introduction series…where, it turns out, I talked about the nerve-wracking aspects of this book, albeit in a *slightly* different way. :) I should be less nervous, maybe. It’s my tenth book, which you’d think would settle my nerves some in and of itself. It’s gotten some really nice reviews (money…