It has been a very, very busy several days. A very EXCITING several days, from Young Indiana’s point of view. Friday he got to go hang out with his cousins for a few hours. Saturday his Nana and Papa arrived. Sunday was his birthday (“NOW I am four years old, Mama!”) and the whole fam damily was over, which is *excrutiatingly* exciting. Today he has still not gotten over the excitement of Nana and Papa’s arrival and is pretty well beside himself. Ted is off work for NINE WHOLE DAYS.…
Tag: writing
happy day
“I love you, Mama,” Young Indiana said as we ate lunch, and then leaned over. I leaned over to kiss him and he said, “Ah ah ah! I will do it!” and kissed my cheek. Pretty hard to be anything other than happy when you’ve got that kind of sweetie boy. :) Beyond that, however, I’m pleased to report that the agent likes the PADYA proposal, and while we haven’t decided our plan of attack yet, I’m exceedingly glad he likes it and am really looking forward to figuring out…
Frozen :)
I made Ted watch Frozen last night, for the value of ‘made’ which means we checked the running time of Pacific Rim and it was too long and so he put Frozen on instead. :) He really liked it, of course, and thought all the bad bits were bad but that overall it was terrific (and actually the bad bits are growing on me; I just watched it with Young Indiana, too), but five minutes in he was going “Holy cow, that young with that much power?” and ten minutes…
So I type very fast. The last time I did a computer-based typing test, which was, jeez, nearly 20 years ago, I typed about 130 words per minute, and I haven’t gotten any slower. The first time I became aware of how odd my typing sounds was at home one afternoon ten or fifteen years ago when my mom said “What’s that sound?” and I stopped typing to listen and couldn’t hear anything and she said “It stopped” and I said “Huh, I donno,” and started typing again and she…
thirty directions at once
Despite it all meaning nothing, I may have accidentally-like written 2000 words on the PADYA last night (in 90 minutes, which is spectacularly fast for the first fly-by on a project). _And_ I included descriptions! :) It’s not the opening chapter (and here I sing Scrivener’s praises again, because it’s just a scene in a file that I can move to wherever it needs to go when I get that far), though I expect it to be early enough in the book to be useful for a proposal. I hope.…